ICE Lab 2022年终小结



2022年是ICE Lab成立的第一年。主要学术和工作内容汇总如下:


  1. Zhang, J., Fukuda, T., & Yabuki, N. (2022). Automatic generation of synthetic datasets from a city digital twin for use in the instance segmentation of building facades. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering9(5), 1737-1755. (中科院二区)

  2. Hu, J., Zhang, J., & Li, Y. (2022). Exploring the spatial and temporal driving mechanisms of landscape patterns on habitat quality in a city undergoing rapid urbanization based on GTWR and MGWR: The case of Nanjing, China. Ecological Indicators143, 109333.(中科院二区)

  3. Ma, K., Wang, B., Li, Y., & Zhang, J. (2022). Image retrieval for local architectural heritage recommendation based on deep hashing. Buildings12(6), 809.(中科院三区)

  4. Tang Y, Zhang J, Liu R, Li Y. Exploring the Impact of Built Environment Attributes on Social Followings Using Social Media Data and Deep Learning. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 2022; 11(6):325. (中科院三区)

  5. Li, Yunqin, Nobuyoshi Yabuki, and Tomohiro Fukuda. "Integrating GIS, deep learning, and environmental sensors for multicriteria evaluation of urban street walkability." Landscape and Urban Planning 230 (2023): 104603.(中科院一区)

  6. Li, Yunqin, Nobuyoshi Yabuki, and Tomohiro Fukuda. "Measuring visual walkability perception using panoramic street view images, virtual reality, and deep learning." Sustainable Cities and Society 86 (2022): 104140.(中科院一区)

  7. Li, Yunqin, Nobuyoshi Yabuki, and Tomohiro Fukuda. "Exploring the association between street built environment and street vitality using deep learning methods." Sustainable Cities and Society 79 (2022): 103656.(中科院一区)


  1. Classification of street vitality based on video-image using deep learning A case study of commercial complex. Yunqin Li, Jiaxin Zhang, Xueqiang Wang, Kai Ma. ACADIA 2022(计算机辅助建筑设计会议)

  2. A Virtual Reality-based Tool with Human Behavior Measurement and Analysis for Feedback Design of the Indoor Light Environment. Yunqin Li, Nobuyoshi Yabuki, Tomohiro Fukuda. CDRF 2022 (计算设计与机器人制造会议)


  1. 北京时间2022827日上午9点,卡内基梅隆大学(CMU)Mr. Peide Huang博士候选人、新加坡科技局(A*star)Mr. Hao Chen研究员受邀在数字城市与人居环境实验室进行海外留学经历分享与学术报告。

  2. 北京时间2022年12月18日上午10点,斯坦福大学土木与环境工程学院博士候选人,Ms.Yiwen Dong,受邀做学术报告,题为“作为传感器的建筑”。

